Development of internal levels
Across 1.0/1.1 internal levels
Five internal levels are only available in Across 1.0/1.1. They are marked by [UNI] as unique. Special levels (the final levels of the shareware/registered version are just having texts and they can't be finished without bugs/cheats) are marked by [SPE]. The rest are marked by [NOR] as normal. Shareware levels are marked by [SHA] and registered version levels by [REG].
- [NOR][SHA] 1. Warm Up
- [NOR][SHA] 2. Flat track
- [NOR][SHA] 3. Twin Peaks
- [NOR][SHA] 4. Over and Under
- [NOR][SHA] 5. Uphill Battle
- [NOR][SHA] 6. Long Haul
- [NOR][SHA] 7. Hi-Flyer
- [NOR][SHA] 8. Tunnel Terror
- [NOR][REG] 9. The Steppes
- [NOR][REG] 10. Islands in the Sky
- [NOR][REG] 11. Hill Legend
- [UNI][REG] 12. Fair trial
- [NOR][REG] 13. Loop-de-Loop
- [UNI][REG] 14. Slippery Slope (a strange invisible polygon in navigator, which you can touch)
- [UNI][REG] 15. The Turnaround
- [NOR][REG] 16. Hangman
- [UNI][REG] 17. On Top
- [NOR][REG] 18. Slalom
- [NOR][REG] 19. Quick Round
- [NOR][REG] 20. Ramp Frenzy
- [NOR][REG] 21. Precarious
- [NOR][REG] 22. Circuitous
- [UNI][REG] 23. The Enigma
- [NOR][REG] 24. Expert System
Across 1.2/1.3 internal levels
Totally new levels compared to Across 1.0/1.1 are marked by [NEW], old levels by [OLD]. Special levels (the final levels of the shareware/registered version are just having texts and they can't be finished without bugs/cheats) are marked by [SPE].Shareware levels are marked by [SHA] and registered version levels by [REG].
- [OLD][SHA] 1. Warm Up
- [OLD][SHA] 2. Flat track
- [OLD][SHA] 3. Twin Peaks
- [OLD][SHA] 4. Over and Under
- [OLD][SHA] 5. Uphill Battle
- [OLD][SHA] 6. Long Haul
- [OLD][SHA] 7. Hi-Flyer
- [OLD][SHA] 8. Tunnel Terror
- [OLD][SHA] 9. The Steppes
- [OLD][SHA] 10. Islands in the Sky
- [OLD][SHA] 11. Hill Legend
- [OLD][SHA] 12. Loop-de-Loop
- [NEW][SHA] 13. Serpents Tale
- [NEW][SHA] 14. New Wave
- [NEW][SHA] 15. Labyrinth
- [NEW][SHA] 16. Spiral
- [OLD][REG] 17. Turnaround II (modified version of The Turnaround)
- [OLD][REG] 18. Hangman
- [OLD][REG] 19. Slalom
- [OLD][REG] 20. Quick Round
- [OLD][REG] 21. Ramp Frenzy
- [OLD][REG] 22. Precarious
- [OLD][REG] 23. Circuitous
- [NEW][REG] 24. Shelf Life
- [NEW][REG] 25. Bounce Back
- [NEW][REG] 26. Headbanger
- [NEW][REG] 27. Animal Farm
- [NEW][REG] 28. Zig Zag
- [NEW][REG] 29. Labyrinth Pro
- [NEW][REG] 30. Fruit in the Den
- [NEW][REG] 31. Jaws
- [NEW][REG] 32. Curvaceous
- [NEW][REG] 33. Double trouble
- [NEW][REG] 34. Framework
- [NEW][REG] 35. Enduro
- [NEW][REG] 36. He He
- [NEW][REG] 37. Freefall
- [OLD][REG] 38. Enigma II (modified version of The Enigma)
- [OLD][REG] 39. Expert System
- [NEW][REG] 40. Tricks Abound
- [NEW][REG] 41. Hang Tight
- [NEW][REG] 42. Apple Harvest
[NEW][REG] 43. More levels ("" and "VISIT OUR HOMEPAGE FOR MORE LEVELS")
Elma 1.0-1.2 internal levels
Many levels have minor changes and graphical pictures added, which don't affect to gameplay. Totally new levels are marked by [NEW], old levels by [OLD]. Special levels (the final levels of the shareware/registered version are just having texts and they can't be finished without bugs/cheats) are marked by [SPE]. Shareware levels are marked by [SHA] and registered version levels by [REG]. Yet, the start positions of many levels are moved on the ground from the air (no need to wait the bike dropping), they are marked by [POS] while the unchanged ones are by [UNC].
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 1. Warm Up
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 2. Flat Track
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 3. Twin Peaks
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 4. Over and Under (a strange "hole" in the main polygon, no effect to gameplay)
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 5. Uphill Battle (platform in right top is removed)
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 6. Long Haul
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 7. Hi Flyer (new name without "-", new end, no moving apples)
- [NEW][SHA][UNC] 8. Tag
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 9. Tunnel Terror
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 10. The Steppes (secret area added)
- [NEW][SHA][UNC] 11. Gravity Ride
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 12. Islands in the Sky
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 13. Hill Legend (the roof of the level modified)
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 14. Loop-de-Loop
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 15. Serpents Tale (right bottom area isn't a smooth downhill anymore)
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 16. New Wave (the left bottom corner modified)
- [OLD][SHA][UNC] 17. Labyrinth (the last apple circle modified)
- [OLD][SHA][POS] 18. Spiral
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 19. Turnaround (new name, one killer placed in the bottom of the level)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 20. Upside Down
- [OLD][REG][POS] 21. Hangman
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 22. Slalom (the start downhill is less deeper)
- [OLD][REG][POS] 23. Quick Round
- [OLD][REG][POS] 24. Ramp Frenzy
- [OLD][REG][POS] 25. Precarious
- [OLD][REG][POS] 26. Circuitous (a strange "spike-thing" added)
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 27. Shelf Life
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 28. Bounce Back
- [OLD][REG][POS] 29. Headbanger
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 30. Pipe
- [OLD][REG][POS] 31. Animal Fram (octopussy added, the name was renamed to Animal Farm in version 1.1)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 32. Steep Corner
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 33. Zig-Zag (new name with "-", the right uphill is modified)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 34. Bumpy Journey
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 35. Labyrinth Pro (a vertex is moved in the area where you go if you miss the bounce)
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 36. Fruit in the Den
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 37. Jaws
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 38. Curvaceous (left top corner edited)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 39. Haircut
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 40. Double Trouble
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 41. Framework
- [OLD][REG][POS] 42. Enduro
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 43. He He
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 44. Freefall
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 45. Sink
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 46. Bowling
- [OLD][REG][POS] 47. Enigma (new name, the platform above the apple is modified)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 48. Downhill (was already released in an Across external level pack on the official site)
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 49. What the Heck
- [OLD][REG][POS] 50. Expert System (moving killers removed)
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 51. Tricks Abound
- [OLD][REG][UNC] 52. Hang Tight
- [NEW][REG][UNC] 53. Hooked (was already released in an Across external level pack on the official site)
- [OLD][REG][POS] 54. Apple Harvest