Website Help: Ranking

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Revision as of 12:08, 19 August 2010 by Kopaka (talk | contribs)
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On this page you can see the battle rankings and who is the best players and teams. There's four type of rankings, each is divided into player and team rankings. In the right most column you can specify the rankings by a special battle type and wether you wanna see overall, yearly, monthly, weekly or dayly ranking. The default setting is normal battle type and overall(all time) ranking.


The ranking list is the main rankings and it's the biggest prestige to be first here. It is calculated after each battle by looking at each player that a certain player has beaten in the battle and doing the following calculation for each of those:

NewRanking = OldRanking * (1 + 0.003 * exp(0.001 * (BeatedPlayersRanking - OldRanking)))

This basically means that a player get a small amount of points for beating a player with worse ranking than himself, and a bigger amount for beating a player with better ranking than himself.


Wins is quite simply the amount of times a player has won a battle.

Exp. Points

Battle Experience Points is the point system used for battles and mopobattles ect. back in the day. You get simply one point per player you beat plus 1, and plus 1 if you won the battle.


The relative ranking uses basically same system as the main rankings but you also lose points according to those players that beat you, like this:

NewRanking = OldRanking / (1 + 0.003 * exp(0.001 * (BeatedPlayersRanking - OldRanking)))


On the designer ranking page you can see who has made the most battle levels, which battle levels have been rated the highest and which designers has the highest average rating of all his levels. At most levels you need atleast 10 levels to be shown. Highest rated battle only shows battle levels with atleast 3 votes. Highest rated designers need atleast 5 votes on any of their levels to be shown.