Technical information for Elasto Mania LGR files. Some additional info at Lgrdk.
.LGR File Format
Offset | Type | Bytes | Description |
0 | char[5] | 5 | "LGR12" for LGR files. (12 refers to the version of LGR file) |
5 | int | 4 | Number of .pcx files contained at the end of the LGR file (x) |
9 | byte[4] | 4 | Pictures.lst: identification header: [0xEA, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00] (required to be a valid file) |
13 | int | 4 | Pictures.lst: Number of elements in .lst file (l) |
17 | char[10]*l | 10*l | Pictures.lst: List of image names, null terminated (e.g. "barrel"+[0,0,0,0]). The maximum name length is 8. |
17+10*l | int*l | 4*l | Pictures.lst: Image type (100=picture, 101=texture, 102=mask) |
17+14*l | int*l | 4*l | Pictures.lst: Default distance (1-999). (Masks have a distance of 0. QUP_/QDOWN_/qfood have distances of 400 - apparently unused?) |
17+18*l | int*l | 4*l | Pictures.lst: Default clipping (0=Unclipped, 1=Ground, 2=Sky) |
17+22*l | int*l | 4*l | Pictures.lst: Location of transparent pixel (11=palette color 0 is the transparent color, 12=topleft, 13=topright, 14=bottomleft, 15=bottomright) |
17+26*l | Object | ? | List of x pcx objects of variable length (see Pcx Object below) |
? | byte[4] | 4 | End of file marker: [0xE7, 0x05, 0x2E, 0x0B] |
Pcx Object
Offset | Type | Bytes | Description |
0 | char[12] | 12 | Filename including .pcx, null terminated (e.g. "barrel.pcx"+[0,0] or "plantain.pcx"). Note that after the first [0], there may be garbage characters in old lgrs (e.g. "flag.pcx"+[0,0x10,0x54,0x4C]) |
12 | byte[8] | 8 | [0x00, 0x95, 0x4C, 0x00, 0x98, 0x95, 0x4C, 0x00]. Only the first byte is important as 0x00 signifies the end of the filename from the previous row. The other bytes are unused. |
20 | int | 4 | Length of the .pcx file in bytes (z) |
24 | byte[z] | z | Raw contents of original .pcx file |
Pictures.lst contents
The format of pictures.lst is described above.
Items excluded from Pictures.lst
All files should be present both as an entry in pictures.lst and as a Pcx Object, except the following, which should only present as Pcx Objects as elastomania handles these files specially:
- q1body.pcx
- q1thigh.pcx
- q1leg.pcx
- q1bike.pcx
- q1wheel.pcx
- q1susp1.pcx
- q1susp2.pcx
- q1forarm.pcx
- q1up_arm.pcx
- q1head.pcx
- q2body.pcx
- q2thigh.pcx
- q2leg.pcx
- q2bike.pcx
- q2wheel.pcx
- q2susp1.pcx
- q2susp2.pcx
- q2forarm.pcx
- q2up_arm.pcx
- q2head.pcx
- qflag.pcx
- qkiller.pcx
- qexit.pcx
- qframe.pcx
- qcolors.pcx
- qgrass.pcx
Special filenames included in Pictures.lst
These items are handled specially in elastomania, but must be included in Pictures.lst
- qup_*.pcx, where * is any text
- qdown_*.pcx, where * is any text
- qfoodX.pcx, where X is 1-9
Palette must be limited to 256 colors. The palette is taken from q1bike.pcx
Mandatory Pcx files for valid .LGR
- q1body.pcx
- q1thigh.pcx
- q1leg.pcx
- q1bike.pcx
- q1wheel.pcx
- q1susp1.pcx
- q1susp2.pcx
- q1forarm.pcx
- q1up_arm.pcx
- q1head.pcx
- q2body.pcx
- q2thigh.pcx
- q2leg.pcx
- q2bike.pcx
- q2wheel.pcx
- q2susp1.pcx
- q2susp2.pcx
- q2forarm.pcx
- q2up_arm.pcx
- q2head.pcx
- qflag.pcx
- qkiller.pcx
- qexit.pcx
- qframe.pcx
- qcolors.pcx
- qfood1.pcx
LGR limits
These are the hard-coded limits to LGR files:
Pcx Files
- There must be 10-3500 Pcx Objects
- The raw contents of each .pcx file must be between 1-10,000,000 bytes in length
- The maximum filename length is 8 characters, excluding ".pcx"
- The filename must end in ".pcx" (or ".spr")
- The maximum number of pictures is 999
- The maximum picture width is 6000 (does not apply to masks/textures)
- The maximum picture size (width*height) is 600,000 (e.g. 775*775 is too large) (does not apply to masks/textures) -> further testing reveals that some pictures can be slightly larger than 600,000, but some cannot. I'm not sure what exactly is being counted to 600,000, but all I know is that below 600,000 is for sure safe, whereas most pictures crash above 600,000.
- There may be no duplicate picture names
- There must be 2-99 textures.
- qgrass.pcx counts as a texture (it is included in the 2-99 limit)
- There may be no duplicate texture names
- The maximum number of masks is 199
- There exists a "mask is too complicated" error, but I'm unable to figure out how to trigger it, so it can probably be ignored
- There may be no duplicate mask names
- The maximum number of QUP_* and QDOWN_* .pcx files is 99.
Bike/kuski .pcx files
The following .pcx files are limited to a width of 255 and a height of 255. I think they are all stretched as described in Big_Book_of_Elma_Facts#LGR_tricks.2C_Part_1.
- q1body.pcx
- q1thigh.pcx
- q1leg.pcx
- q1wheel.pcx
- q1susp1.pcx
- q1susp2.pcx
- q1forarm.pcx
- q1up_arm.pcx
- q1head.pcx
- q2body.pcx
- q2thigh.pcx
- q2leg.pcx
- q2wheel.pcx
- q2susp1.pcx
- q2susp2.pcx
- q2forarm.pcx
- q2up_arm.pcx
- q2head.pcx
- qflag.pcx
Q1bike.pcx and q2bike.pcx are handled specially: Big_Book_of_Elma_Facts#LGR_tricks.2C_Part_1. If the bike image is too small, the bike will simply be invisible or black, but no error will occur.
Object .pcx files
This pertains to qkiller.pcx, qexit.pcx and qfood*.pcx:
- The width of any object file must be a multiple of 40, as each 40 pixels are used as 1 frame of animation
- The maximum number of frames is 1000 (however, I think the .pcx file format breaks down before reaching a width of 40,000)
- If the height of the .pcx file is greater than 40, all the rows past the 40th are ignored and not drawn
- If the height of the .pcx file is less than 40, the missing rows will be read as garbled data, usually leading to a crash
- Qfood*.pcx must be entered in order. If a number is missing, no more files will be loaded. (e.g. if qfood 1, 2, and 5 exist, only 1 and 2 will be loaded)
Qgrass.pcx is added as a hidden texture. It can be used just like any other texture - with masks, or as a ground/sky background image.
getatlatszosag Internal Error
If you have an empty "message.inf" file in your main Elma directory, if you try to open an lgr and get the error message: "getatlatszosag", then the error is caused from a glitch in EasyLGR.exe. When importing images, sometimes the "Background pixel:" option in newly-added images is not set to anything. To fix the bug, make sure all new images have a background pixel option set, even if it is "None"